Sap Print Program Customer Invoice

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SAP Business One provides comprehensive business management capabilities for small and medium sized companies. SAP Business One to. Kofax is a leading provider of smart process applications that simplify the business critical First Mile of informationintensive customer interactions. Payment Program F1. Vendor with severals Bank Accounts SOLVED. A vendor may have multiple bank accounts and may want you to make. The. rule based selection of the vendors bank account may depend on. Alternatively, it may be a complex rule. If you could store the vendors bank details in the vendor. However, you cant key vendor bank information. SAP system. This would lead to sub optimal use of master data vendors bank. Your SAP system has an. With this method, the bank identifier provides a. Ill look at how to assign multiple bank accounts in the vendor. Sap Print Program Customer Invoice' title='Sap Print Program Customer Invoice' />PO. You can create an invoice without reference to a PO. When. you create a PO for a purchase, you have to create an invoice. PO. Ill also show you how to update this information after go live. Ill explain what to do in the case of. Electronic Data Interchange EDI. Ill cover two methods of manual invoice creation and one method. Sap Print Program Customer Invoice' title='Sap Print Program Customer Invoice' />Sap Print Program Customer InvoiceEDI message. I developed. R3 4. SAP ERP Central Component ECC as well. Much of. the documentation on this subject is incomplete. For all three. types of invoicing methods, you need to assign multiple bank. Ill explain in the next section. Assign Multiple Bank Accounts in the Vendor Master. Your SAP system provides the functionality to store and use. Payment. transactions screen of the vendor master general data via. FK0. 3 Figure 1. Figure 1 reflects the bank type. I used in the vendor master, using the. International Organization for Standardization ISO. Bank type. Figure 1 Bank details vendor master. You can use the Bnk. T bank type field in the vendor master to. If you leave the bank type field blank against a bank. You may want to leave this field blank if the vendor has only. If the bank type is blank for multiple bank accounts, then the. You are not required. INR, SGD, and USD. SAP system. The field allows any value up to a. Ill demonstrate the use of bank type. The system performs a check at the time of invoice creation on. If you have not defined. The. system performs the check to ensure that you are using a bank. Otherwise, the system cannot. Prerequisites for Vendor Bank Selection. You need to take care of a few configuration prerequisites before. Check the Bank details check box in the payment method as. FBZP. This ensures. If you dont do this, the. IDoc that. it creates as a result of the automated payment run transaction. Make the Bank Business Partners field optional in the field. GL account. by selecting the button under Opt. Entry for this field. This. field maps to the Part. If the Bank Business Partners field is not. Bank type is known as partner bank type in the vendor invoice and. BSEG BVTYP. You can maintain the field status group through SPRO Financial. Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business. Transactions Incoming InvoicesCredit Memos Carry out and check. Maintain Field Status Variants. You can create a vendor invoice in the system in multiple ways. Ill address the three methods of vendor invoice creation and. Method 1 Without Reference to a PO. You can create a vendor invoice manually without reference to a. PO using transaction FB6. Once you enter transaction FB6. Basic. data tab, including the vendor number, invoice date, posting. You can see the Payment tab in Figure 2, which shows fields for. Pmnt terms, payment method Pmt Method and. Part. bank. Fill the Part. You already maintained the bank type in. Figure 1. Provide the offsetting GL. FB6. 0 screen to. Save to post the document. Figure 2 Create a vendor invoice using transaction FB6. The invoice posted through FB6. CR entry against. DR entry against the offsetting expense. GL account. Figure 3 shows the vendor line item containing the. At the time of the payment run, the. I used bank type INR in. Figure 1. Figure 3 Example accounting document created using transaction. Method 2 With Reference to a PO. You can also create the vendor invoice manually with reference to. PO by using transaction MIRO. I have created a new invoice. PO for services provided by the vendor, as. You generally procure goods and services by raising a PO against. PO. If you are procuring very low value items on an ad hoc basis. PO, then you may have to create the vendor invoice. FB6. 0, as discussed earlier. MIRO creates an invoice. MIR4 Figure 4. and an accounting document, which you can see using transaction. FB0. 3 Figure 5. You can fill in the appropriate value in the. Part. bank field in the Payment tab in transaction MIRO, as in. Figure 4. I used a blank value in the bank type field. I already. maintained it in the vendor master data before I created the. Figure 4 Create a vendor invoice using MIRO. Figure 5 Example accounting document created using transaction. After entering transaction MIRO, enter the company code in which. Edit Switch. Company Code, or by pressing F7. Provide the invoice date. Basic data tab. In the PO. Figure 4. Provide the partner bank type. Payment tab. Click on the save icon to post the. I left the Part. bank partner bank type field blank. Im using default bank account 3. Figure 1 here. The accounting document contains the payment. Part. bank field. You can use mass maintenance of the partner bank type field if. See the sidebar, Mass Maintenance. Partner Bank Type in Vendor Invoices, for a detailed. Method 3 Automatic Creation from 8. EDI Message. So far I have discussed two methods to create a vendor invoice. SAP system. While these methods are useful. SAP use prefer to. Vendors also benefit. You can automate vendor invoicing by using EDI. The vendor sends. EDI message to the SAP system. The system provides the. INVOIC0. 1 standard IDoc that you can use to map to the 8. EDI. signal to post the vendor invoice Figure 6. Now Ill take you. Fear Combat 1.07. Figure 6 Illustrative vendor invoice IDoc in SAP. You can process the vendor invoice IDoc through the standard. IDOCINPUTINVOICMRM. You first specify the. WE2. 0. The INVOIC0. IDoc doesnt contain any segment. However, the. function module provides access to user exits through which you. Use the customer function 0. ZXM0. 8U2. 5 to populate. Figures 7 and 8. You can. ERBKPV BVTYP. Figure 7 Custom table to store rule based value of partner bank. Figure 8 User exit ZXM0. U2. 5. Step 1. Check for conditions in which you want to populate the. My example makes the bank account selection. If the vendor master doesnt exist in multiple company codes. Step 2. If the check in Step 1 is met, lay down the rules that. Figure 7 shows the custom table. I used the records. Step 3. Amend field ERBKPV BVTYP in the user exit Figure 8 and. In Figure 9, you can. ABAP code that I used to amend ERBKPVBVTYP in the user. The system derived. Figure 1. 0. Figure 9 User exit code logic. Figure 1. 0 Example invoice created using user exit ZXM0. U2. 5. After you create the invoices with the three methods discussed. This. applies to all three invoice methods. Automatic Payment Run. I will now complete the process by using transaction F1. I can show you the results. I have created. Create a payment run manually using transaction F1. Fill the Parameter tab using the vendor number and company code. Figures 3, 5, and 1. Figure 1 in the. sidebar. Execute the proposal run to create a proposal for the. The proposal list in. Figure 1. 1 displays an invoice and the associated vendor bank. You can now use the partner bank type field to. Figure 1. 1 per the original requirement in. Figure 1. 1 Vendor bank selection during proposal run.